8px's Clipped Content – #2
We're back with issue 2, a bit sooner than I had originally planned but my Dropbox Paper document of good resources was bursting at the seams and I didn't want things to get stale.
Enjoy the issue, and of course if you have any feedback do let me know 👂
Shutting down 4 startups: lessons learned
Denis is very open here, and offering some great advice for those of us looking to start our own businesses one day. Hint: it's not as simple as those Medium articles tell us.
🐦 "No one listens" – facing this as a designer
Lovely thread by Laura Yarrow, offering advice to us all when we're inevitably faced with this problem at work. How can we get our team to appreciate our opinions?
📖 Creating low-carbon images
The web is polluted with oversized and bloated imagery, can we be a bit greener?
🐦 Behind the scenes of Paper app
Launched over a decade ago, the drawing / doodling app now owned by WeTransfer is great. The co-founder of it recently created a Twitter thread going behind the scenes of it.
📺 Behind the scenes of Dune's musical score
This is so cool, honestly. Hans Zimmer takes us through all of the unique sounds and instruments (and voices!) they used when creating the music for Dune.
📖 101 design rules
The team behind Collins, a brilliant design studio have collated 101 design rules by which they create their work.
For example, "Are you going to tell a story? Then tell a big story. An enormous story. An epic story. Or tell no story at all."
😂 Something to laugh at
Did you know we have a podcast?
8px Radio is light. I ask the same 5 questions to every guest!
Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube
See you next time